How useful is turmeric root in India

Turmeric is one of the known and popular roots; it is a flowering plant of the ginger family. It is one of the most popularly used root in Ayurveda treatment, herbal treatment and Unani in Asia for thousands of years. The other names of turmeric are Curcuma, Arisina, haldi, and Manjal and the scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma longa.

Turmeric popularly sometime is called as Indian saffron or golden spice because we can get it easily in our Indian kitchen. Turmeric is used in different ways like in kitchen as a spice, during puja an offering in religious ceremonies and coloring In cosmetics, as a beauty product etc…But other than this we have immense health benefits from turmeric which has been used for thousands of years.

Turmeric/ Arisina/ Manjal is one of the most popular and natural antiseptic medicine as we know!!! In India, we use it as first aid in a situation like Swelling, Cough and general cuts and Wounds, but other than this, turmeric makes a wonderful addition for home remedies.
We Use this turmeric, which is easily available in the kitchen as a remedy for different Health Issues.

To know more about it just read and follow the step by step guide to preparing remedies at home.
1)    Helps in boosting our immunity, we used to have turmeric by mixing it in warm milk especially during fever. As it is anti-fungal, anti-flu and anti-viral.
2)    Turmeric has very good healing properties. As we remember how our parents or grandparents used to apply on any cut, burn or any infection. Turmeric is an anti-bacterial. Turmeric is an antiseptic
3)    Turmeric is used as the pain reliever
4)    It improves our liver function as it has anti-oxidant ability
5)    It is very good for digestion as we used it in our cooking for flavor and texture purpose, but it is also good for digestion.
Other than the things mentioned above, we use it in simple and common health ailments such as
•    Swelling
•    Itching
•    Cough
•    Cold
•    Fever
•    Throat infection
•    Wound healing.

Like this we used it frequently in our daily life some time as first aid and as main medicine …but for the effective treatment for above health problems, we just need correct guidance on how to prepare home remedies for ourselves with things available around us…we have many health benefits of turmeric but here we have mentioned very few uses or health benefits of turmeric.

I hope it will help you somewhere in keeping good health!!!
PS – The Home Remedies suggested here and on the links are for general information only and anybody willing to try these must consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner before doing so. Although natural remedies do not cause severe side effects, some might be allergic to certain plants, nuts or oils and it is strongly recommended that these remedies have to be tried only after consulting with your doctor.

Thank you


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