What kind of role plays a simple Home remedies in our life???

What kind of role plays simple Home remedies in our life???

What are home remedies?

Home remedies are one which is a prepared medication in the home for treatment to basic diseases. These remedies are made by easily available things like spices, vegetables, herbal products, and leaves etc. to make home medication.

India is a country which is known for its certain things like its diversity and for oldest culture heritage, yoga, Ayurveda, spices, herbal products, and these all are got from our ancestors.
The home remedies are the category of Ayurveda; in Ayurveda treatment also we use natural herbs for treatments so both have similarities.
What is Ayurveda???

Ayurveda is a natural way of treatment of diseases; actually, Ayurveda is a method of medicine which is one of the world’s oldest healing system. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India.
In ancient years we don’t have any special medical treatment or facility like allopathic medicine, hospital, doctor….etc. our yesteryear’s people, they believe and trust and depend on home remedies.
For each and every health problem issue they have their own herbal treatment.F or this specific work they have expertise in the field of herbal products and home remedies they used to call them as “vaidya” as we now called doctors who are expert in medication and treatment.

Not only the expert gives the remedies, but every family also has at least one older member like grandmother or grandfather they used to make these home remedies if any health related problem occurs and try to treat them by simple home remedies only.

From this, all the other members learn the secrets of home remedies and treatment way, as the year passed we get modernized and we forgot all our basic strengths like Ayurveda, home remedy, yoga…..etc.

All were going smoothly and well gradually when our civilization started developing, most people moved towards cities and life became fast in the development race. We start ignoring the traditional habits of our heritage and everything.

As our habits & living style changes day by day new diseases are rising. Even diseases or health problems which are there, we have not heard before.
So getting rid of traditional lifestyle, we started moving towards fast and quick healing treatments but gradually we are addicted to them. Even small health problems, we do go to the specialist doctor to take treatment

 For example, Acne or pimple problems
Acne is skin condition which is nowadays common in youngsters and some for time being according to age some time it remains as a mark or a pimple on a face. The face is the one which enhances our personality and beauty….

For this we do experiment with lot of creams, powders, diet, visit to the specialist of skin dermatologist, but we can get rid of this problem in a simple way…Here is a solution from nature by using home remedies. Use below link which guides you on how to prepare a home remedy to treat pimples and acne.

We are still attracted towards the modernization of medication and hospital. But when the expenses of hospital and treatment increased and it became out of our reach, and the side effects increased on every treatment, this reason makes us come back to our strength called Ayurveda treatment or home remedies. A home remedies which relates to us ancient Indian medicine.

When we don’t have good health we can't do anything irrespective of special strength and skills, so health is most important in everyone life.
We grow our habits as by even a small thing or health issues like cold, cough, etc. we do go to the hospital and get medicine and try to get rid out of it but after some time the same health issue repeats…

But we don’t have time to think the main and basic reason for the diseases and what is the root cause of that health issue.
The difference between other remedies and Ayurveda home remedies are majorly this, home remedy type treatment try to get into the base of the disease and cure that from the root itself.
So as in the fashion industry, as the designers taking the ides of our old culture and dressing senses and how old fashion becomes a new trend, likewise our home remedies have become popular in all over the world.

The home remedies are not only limited to disease and health issues we can use these remedies to enhance our beauty, and its related common problem,
Majorly our youngsters have issues like
Hair related issues
Skin related issues
Weight or obesity issues

So all these are in certain age for them a big issue and to get rid of them they actually spend lot of money, time and energy on them.
But we can solve these problems by the simple and easy way from adopting our natural home remedies.

Take an issue which is weight related
Our body weight and its condition it's directly related to our health and our personality, so how we look at our body weight & maintain it matters very much.

In these days we are hearing a word called obesity which all youngsters are very conscious about it because Overweight or excess of fat deposition in the body leads to a problem called Obesity.
If we ignore this Obesity Problem which is not only related to the overweight issue which may be the reason for major diseases like Heart Disease, Liver Damage, Diabetes, Arthritis, Kidney Problem etc.

So to get rid of this problem instead of wasting money and time on different treatments we can use simple and result oriented home remedies. By using the following link we can overcome from this weight-related problems.

This above home remedy treatment which treats from the root of the problem for example for this obesity or overweight issue is caused by Pitta dosha.

So when we work on this pitta dosha then only we can get a possibly perfect result.
Like this only we have a certain solutions to every small health problems so believe in auyrveda,believe in our strength and traditional home remedies then we can get a good health from the home itself. So try to use them as much as home remedies, instead of going to hospital or clinic for each and every small health problem.
If you want to know more home remedies visit the below site and become a home remedies expert…..

Believe in our tradition & heritage and I am sure we will not regret…….

PS – The Home Remedies suggested here and on the links are for general information only and anybody willing to try these must consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner before doing so. Although natural remedies do not cause severe side effects, some might be allergic to certain plants, nuts or oils and it is strongly recommended that these remedies have to be tried only after consulting with your doctor.

Thank you


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