Health By Nature

About Health 

Who doesn’t want to have a good health and be a healthy person,? I think everyone wants to have good health and life should be free from health issues.

But most of the people think in reality, it’s not a big issue if the time comes, we will take care of it, we will work on it, that kind of attitude we do show towards our health.
We will start with a famous line called “Health is wealth” this one is an oldest and most popular proverb, but evergreen and 100% true fit to all generation.

“The greatest wealth is Health” like this all the health terms are related or compared to wealth because the common man’s love and affection is towards his/her properties or wealth.
We think our wealth or property is everything to us. They feel proud of it and want to earn more and one who doesn’t have much they are hungry for earning that property or wealth.
So why we are telling or discussing health is so important in life rather anything, because:-

Exactly here what is health?
Here I will start with quote told by Famous indian writer B.k.s Iyengar "Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open"
Look at how well he has explained health; he relates health to all important terms and defines it as most important.
When we have everything in life, like success, money, fame, etc…but when we don’t have health that is like.
“A bird without wings” so health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.
Especially in this generation, we don’t have time for anything, other than earning money, we have fixed in our mind that money is everything, money is a success, money is health, money is family, money is happiness, money is like the whole thing if we have that we have everything.
But one day will come when we give whole our precious life stages to gaining wealth or we people spend our health gaining wealth, and then have to spend our wealth to regain our health.

But that is also not guaranteed, that we will get a perfect solution to a health problem when the time passed.
So being educated, being a knowledgeable person we should focus on our health, with our daily activities.
Nowadays the hospital treatments are mentally, financially and physically draining, not only our health treatment cost issues but their behavior, and money minded hospitals and treatment so all these create an endless agony.
So being aware of all we should start focusing on things like yoga, herbal products, natural, home remedies, natural therapy etc.
We are lucky that we are born in a country where we are known for our culture, yoga, herbal products, Ayurveda treatment; India is famous for these and we have all these from our old generation only.
We have the solution to every problem in our hand only especially basic treatments. The only thing we should be aware of all these and should know the value and importance of it.
For every small health issues or sickness, we need not run to a doctor or avail treatment from some experts. Most of the basic treatments and care could be done at home only. We will try to discuss a few common health issues faced by the general population and also suggest home remedies to overcome those without spending time and money on expensive medical treatments.

Nowadays hair fall problem has become a big headache to all, not only aged persons, even teenage and young generation has hair falling and hair greying problem.
Our generation is very conscious about their hair because the fashion starts with the hair. Hair becomes an essential component to enhance the Individual beauty having healthy, long and beautiful hair needs lots of care and good habits.
There are numerous options and products available in the market which does promise great results but end up being useless or expensive on the longer run. Instead we should look at some inexpensive and natural ways to find solutions for these.
Simply use the natural treatment that is available in your home only by herbal home remedies.

Here the natural solutions suggested are effective in reducing hair fall and dandruff problem naturally and without any side effect and inexpensive.
Check the below link which provides you in preparing herbal oil which has zero side effect and will hopefully get a positive result with regular and long-term usage.

So like this in our life, we have many situations and problems we face, we just need to focus on our surrounding natural resources by which we can cure or get a good and immediate result with less cost.
It has become common to all even for a small problem also we are depending on doctors and hospital and it has become a habit of all of us
We will take one more common problems we have especially with the new generation and they are conscious with that word called "obesity"

What is obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on our health.
We are more concerned about obesity because it is related to individual look. Today’s generation is more obsessed about how we look, how we have maintained our slim figure and personality which all matters in today's society.
If we become fat we focus on things which give immediate result in weight loss, in that hurry burry we do lose our money, time, health etc.
Instead of doing all temporary things, we should believe in natural treatment or herbal treatment to this obesity or overweight problems
For this, you need to make little change in your lifestyle such as eating habits, sleeping habits, etc. and with that do follow the simple home remedies with a daily routine which all remedies we can prepare yourself in the home only without much effort and there are zero side effect and cost-effective for the overweight problem.

Just follow regularly the above tips in daily life instead of taking high-cost treatment which has side effects too.

Home remedies are cost-effective and no side effects and why we are stressing the cost of treatments is because everybody would not be able to afford quality medical treatment as it is too expensive nowadays.
Especially India is a country in which more than half of the populations are below the poverty line. In this condition, it's not possible to afford good and Quality treatment by all.
India which is a 2nd most populated country in the world, even our government announces many health programs also it will not reach properly to the remote places we don’t have currently that many resources and doctors.
This does not mean that we ignore the issues like that only. Earlier days there were not many hospitals and doctors but the health problem issue was not that much severe!!!
Because our older generation would depend on their home remedies and believe in ayurvedic treatment which involves treating the body and mind, so they were quite fit and healthy compared to us.

Today due to development race we are making our nature polluted by creating many factories and increasing vehicle on road, making our air most poor quality to inhale and directly affecting our bodies especially on our lungs.

So from this problem, there is on health issue called Asthma it is inflammatory disease common in most of the people especially in urban areas even kids have this breathing problem, it mainly arises from polluted air allergies and it directly links to lungs.
But instead of worrying and wasting time and money in hospitals we can cure this by our Ayurvedic treatment in the initial stages through home remedies, for that simply follow the below remedies and cure your breathing problem without any side effect.

Some of the things in life we can’t buy for example time, happiness, inner peace, love, character, manner, health, respect, morals, trust, patience, class, common sense, dignity if we want these things we cannot buy, we have to earn all these.
So like this health also is important and valuable. We need to earn good health by following daily good habits of eating, sleeping, workout, etc….
If you want to know more home remedies visit the below site and become a home remedies expert…..

I will conclude my health-related topic by a quote said by Winston Churchill and that is “healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have”
So be healthy and make the world healthy!!!

PS – The Home Remedies suggested here and on the links are for general information only and anybody willing to try these must consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner before doing so. Although natural remedies do not cause severe side effects, some might be allergic to certain plants, nuts or oils and it is strongly recommended that these remedies have to be tried only after consulting with your doctor.


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