How the simple home remedies to help in mosquito & insect bite treatment???

Home Remedies India is a country which is known worldwide for many good things like yoga, Ayurveda home remedies, herbal treatment, natural treatment, spices, recipes masala, and like this we are famous in all field. India is a country which is fast moving in all field like the economy, sports, army force entertainment etc…but some reasons are there in India and about India in which we are still lacking or behind in progress. And In them some of the common and important things like pollution, cleaning, drainage system, sanitation, clean India and hygiene India, still we are struggling and working in these field after the Independence of 70 years. I think in them some of the biggest reasons for these problems are …. 1) India is the country which is the 2nd highest population in the world this is one of the big reason 2) And one more reason is lack of information reach and lack of knowledge among people By the pollution, ...